New Age Dumpsters

Same Day Dumpster Rentals!

We are at your service for dumpster rental and Waste Management

We’re fast, efficient and experienced in total dumpster rental and waste management services.

Who We Are

New Age Dumpsters, LLC is a Professional Dumpster Rental Company

Our Dumpster Rental is a service that involves the pick up and removal of unwanted items. Depending on the items being hauled the pricing will vary.

Once the items have been removed from the property they are hauled away never to be seen again. We won’t leave any waste on your property and make sure our dumpsters are efficient to carry them all out.

Our Dumpsters

10 Yard Dumpster

12'L x 7.5'W x 3.5'H
$ 375 One Day Rental
  • 3 Day Rental - $400
  • 5 Day Rental - $425
  • 7 Day Rental - $450

12 Yard Dumpster

12′ L x 7.5′ W x 4′ H
$ 400 One Day Rental
  • 3 Day Rental - $425
  • 5 Day Rental - $450
  • 7 Day Rental - $475

15 Yard Dumpster

14′ L x 7.5′ W x 5′ H
$ 425 One Day Rental
  • 3 Day Rental - $450
  • 5 Day Rental - $475
  • 7 Day Rental - $500

20 Yard Dumpster

17′ L x 7.5′ W x 5′ H
$ 450 One Day Rental
  • 3 Day Rental - $475
  • 5 Day Rental - $500
  • 7 Day Rental - $525

Concrete Dumpster

12'L x 7.5'W x 3.5'H
$ 375 One Day Rental
  • One Day Rental Only

Rental Protection

Optional Add-Ons
$ 29-$49 Rental Protection Options
  • Driveway Surface Protection - $39
  • Liability Waiver/Insurance - $29
  • Cancellation Insurance - $49

Services Include


Dumpster Rental

We’ll Provide the right size of dumpster for residential, commercial and corporate spaces


What They Say.

"Best junk removal services I've ever received for my house."
John Doe
"Professional, helpful and clean, didn't leave any traces to complain about"
John Doe
"I've tried a lot of other companies, no other company had me satisfied like Dumpro did."
John Doe
"For a clean corporate premises, I'd recommend Dumpro and I'll call them again if needed."
John Doe
Why Choose Us

Incredible Support for You


Our team operates with a high set of standards.


We provide cargo safety throughout all stages of our delivery process